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[System Design] System Design Diagramming Notes 본문

System Design/Notes

[System Design] System Design Diagramming Notes

moe12825 2022. 12. 5. 23:01



Building Blocks

1) Domain Name System

2) Load Balancers

  • is used to fairly distribute incoming clients’ requests among a pool of available servers.
  • also reduces load and can bypass failed servers.



3) Databases


4) Key-Value Store


5) Content Delivery Network



6) Sequencer


7) Service Monitoring


8) Distributed Caching


9) Distributed Messaging Queue


10) Publish-Subscribe System


11) Rate Limiter


12) Blob Store


13) Distributed Search


14) Dsitrubted Logging


15) Distributed Task Scheduling


16) Sharded Counters

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