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[OO Design Foundation] Object Oriented Modeling 2 본문

Software Design Pattern/Notes

[OO Design Foundation] Object Oriented Modeling 2

moe12825 2022. 7. 13. 12:21

Design Principle

1. Coupling and Cohesion

  • are the metrics used to evaluate design complexity
    • Coupling focuses on complexities between a module and other modules
    • Cohesion focuses on complexities within a module
  • Help better apply object-oriented design principles achieve more managable system
    • Think of badly designed system like a puzzle
      • You can only connect specific puzzle to another puzzle
    • Think of well-designed system like a lego block
      • You can connect any two blocks without much trouble
      • All modules are compatible with one another
      • This is what you should strive to make
  • A module is tightly coupled if it is highly reliant on other modules
    • Like puzzles

  • A module is loosely coupled if it is easy to connect to other modules
    • Like lego
    • This is what you should strive to make


  • when evaluating coupling of a module, the following is considered:
    • 1. Degree
      • Is number of connections between the module and others
      • is needed to be kept small
      • Example
        • 1. connecting a module to other modules through a few parameters or narrow interface
    • 2. Ease
      • Is how obvious are the connections between module and others
      • Is needed (as much as possible) to have its connections easy to make without needing to understand the implementation of other modules
    • 3. Complexity
      • is how interchangable other modules are for this module
      • you want other modules easily replacable for something better in the future


  • considers complexity within a module
  • represents the clarity of a responsibilities of a module
  • A module is
    • highly cohesive if your module performs one task and nothing else, or has a clear purpose
    • lowly cohesive if your module tries to encapsulate more than one purpose, or has an unclear purpose



  • The following has low cohesion because it has two purposes and it's unclear

  • The following example is highly cohesive and loosely coupled


2. Separation of Concerns

  • Is a key idea that applies throughout object oriented programming
  • is an ongoing process throughout the design process
  • Creates more cohesive classes using abstraction, encapsulation, decomposition and generalization


  • A concern is a very general notion, basically saying it is anything that matters in providing a solution to a problem




Sepration of Concern Starting Example - a SmartPhone

  • There is low cohesion in above class
    • There are behaviors not related to each other
    • The camera behaviors do not need to be encapsulated with the behaviors of the phone in order for the camera to do its job
  • The above class has low modularity
    • We cannot access the camera or the phone separately if we are to build another system only one or the other
    • We cannot replace current camera with different camera, or replace it completely with a different object


  • 1. Analyze a class's concern

  • 2. Separate them out into their own more cohesive classes and encapsulate all the details about each into functionally distinct and independent classes

  • 3. Redesign code

3. Information Hiding

  • of information needed to use them correctly and hide everything else
  • is often associated with encapsulation
  • allows you to build flexible, reusable, and maintainable systems
  • JAVA has four levels of acess:
    • 1. Public
      • Accessible by any classes (methods and variables)
      • Does not allow other classes to change the implementation of the behavior for the method
    • 2. Protected
      • are only available to
        • a. encapsulating class itself
        • b. it's subclasses
        • c. classes within the same package (a mean which JAVA uses to organize multiple classes into a single name space)

    • 3. Default
      • Only allows access to attributes and methods to subclasses and to the encapsulating class
      • Is also called no modifier access because explicit declaration is not needed

    • 4. Private
      • are not accessible by any classes other than the encapsulating class itself
      • cannot access attributes directly, and cannot invoke methods by other classes

4. Conceptual Integrity

  • one that will help you to create consistent and well designed software.
  • has multiple ways to have it achieved:
    • 1. Communication
      • i.e. Daily standup meetings, sprint retrospectives (agreeing to use certain libraries, and methods)
    • 2. Code Reviews
    • 3. Having a well-defined design, or architecture underlying your software
      • Guides how your software is organized
    • 4. Unifying Concepts
    • 5. Having a Small Core Groups that accepts commits to the code base
      • Ensures that any software changes follow the overal architectural design of your software
  • Is most important considerations in system design

Generalization Principles

1.  Inheritance Issues

Good Generalization

  • Is that:
    • It's subclass has more functionality than the superclass.
    • It's subclasses provide and share attributes and behaviors from the same superclass, but each subclass has their own distinct functions.

Misusing inheritance

  • Can lead to poort codes
  • Happens when design principles are used improperly
  • Is detected by the following:
    • 1. Ask question "Am I simply using inheritance to simply share attributes or behaviors without further adding anything special in my subclasses?"
      • If yes, you are misusing inheritance
      • Here, superclass is already enough
      • Example
      • 1. Pizzas at a pizza shop
        • Say class for each pizza is constructed (Pepperoni, Hawaiian, ...)
        • And a superclass is created with sharing attributes and methods

        • Note that Pepperoni Pizza is not really different from subclass
        • There is no reason to use inheritance in this case
          • you can use Pizza class with pepperoni as its toppings
    • 2. Check if Liskov Substitution Principle is broken


Using Decomposition

  • If a class is misued and inheritance does not suit your need, consider decomposition
    • Example
      • 1. Smart phone
        • is a good example where decomposition works better than inheritance
        • doesn't make sense to inherit from phone

          (not a good example)

          (a good example)




- Object-Oriented Design, University of Alberta:


객체 지향 설계

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- The Liskov Substitution Principle Explained,