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[Design Pattern] Facade Pattern 본문

Software Design Pattern/Notes

[Design Pattern] Facade Pattern

moe12825 2022. 8. 13. 12:40


  • As system gets larger, code gets more and more complex
    • This can get confusing for the client classes in your system to use
    • System complexity is not always a sign of poor design
      • The scope of problem you are trying to solve is so large it requires a complex solution
    • But client classes prefer a simplier, and easy to use interaction
    • Example
      • 1. Consider a large home
        • has many subsystems (electrical, sanitation)
        • has complex internal structures (e.g. floor layers)
        • but end user is NOT exposed to internals
        • consumers want it to 'just work'
      • 2. Shopping Online
        • has outward indication that the store you're on has a virtual storefront
          • The outward indicators are used to communicate what types of services are available
          • when an online sales platform sends your order to be fulfilled, works as part of a facade by hiding away all the extra work that needs to be done
            • can fulfill goods and services without having to know how the request is processed

Facade Design Pattern

  • Does not add more complexity
    • Simply acts as a point of entry into your subsystem
  • Is designed to hide all the complexities in the code
  • Is a wrapper class that encapsulates a subsystem in order to hide subsystem's complexity
  • Provides a simple, easy to understand / user interface over a large and sophisticated body of code
  • Does exactly what a waiter or salesperson would do in real life



  • 1. Banking System
    • Without Facade, the customer class would contain instances of
      • a. Checking class
      • b.  Saving class
      • c. Investment class
    • This means that the user is responsible for properly instantiating each of the constituent classes and know all about their different attributes and methods 
    • After applying facade, it would look something like the following:
      • BankService is introduced as a facade
      • The customer no longer needs to handle instantiation and complexities of financial management
      • Since the three different accounts all implement the IAccount interface, the bank's service class is effectively wrapping the account interfacing classes, and presenting a simpler front the customer clinet class to use


How to Apply Facade Design Pattern


  • Step 1. Design the interface

  • Step 2: Implement the interface with one or more classes
    • interface allows us to create subtypes which means that Checking, Saving, Investment classes are subtypes of IAccount, and are expected to behave like an IAccount Type
    • Facade class can be used to wrap all the interfaces and classes for a subsystem
    • It's your decision to know what you want to wrap

  • Step 3: Create the Facade class and wrap the classes that implement the interface
public class BankService {
    private Hashtable <int, IAccount> bankAccounts;

    public BankService() {
        this.bankAccounts = new Hashtable<int, IAccount>;

    public int createNewAccount(String type, BigDecimal initAmount) {
        IAccount newAccount = null;
        switch(type) {
            case "chequing":
                newAccount = new Chequing(initAmount);
            case "saving":
                newAccount = new Saving(initAmount);
            case "investment":
                newAccount = new Investment(initAmount);
                System.out.println("Invalid account type");

        if (newAccount != null) {
            this.bankAccounts.put(newAccount.getAccountNumber(), newAccount);
            return newAccount.getAccountNumber();

        return -1;

    public void transferMoney(int to, int from, BigDecimal amount) {
        IAccount toAccount = this.bankAccounts.get(to);
        IAccount fromAccount = this.bankAccounts.get(from);
        fromAccount.transfer(toAccount, amount);
  • Step 4: Use the Facade class to access the subsystem
    • Now that we have facade in place, client class can access its accounts through the BankService
public class Customer {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        BankService myBankService = new BankService();

        int mySaving = myBankService.createNewAccount("saving", new BigDecimal(500.00));

        int myInvestment = myBankService.createNewAccount("investment", new BigDecimal(1000.00));

        myBankService.transferMoney(mySaving, myInvestment, new BigDecimal(300.00));



  • Facade design pattern
    • Is a mean to hide the complexity of a subsystem by encapsulating it behind a unifying wrapper called a facade class
    • Removes the need for client classes to manage a subsystem on their own, resulting in less coupling between the subsystem and the client classes
    • Handles instantiation and redirection of tasks to the appropriate class within the subsystem
    • Provides client classes with a simplified interface for the subsystem.
    • Acts simply as a point of entry to a subsystem and does not add more functionality to the subsystem



  • 1. What is the difference between abstract factory design pattern and facade design pattern?
    • The Facade design pattern is used when you want to hide an implementation
    • The abstract factory pattern is used when you want to hide the details on constructing instances




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What are the differences between facade pattern and abstract factory pattern?

I'm not asking the interview point of view. What is the real time scenario of implementing it in the projects, like the Struts framework, etc.?