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[OO Design Foundation] Steps to Creating Well Designed Software - 5. Sequence Diagram 본문

소프트웨어 디자인/Notes

[OO Design Foundation] Steps to Creating Well Designed Software - 5. Sequence Diagram

moe12825 2022. 6. 7. 10:35
  • Is about which objects are involved, and what messages are sent between them


Example - Note creation app button

  • Uses MVC architecture, and needs the following:
    • The view instance that represents the button
    • The controller instance that intercepts an event triggered by a button, and runs it's own function
  • Here,
    • 1. The view displays data and receives user input
      • 'onCreateNote' is the event that connects between 'create button' (view) and controller
    • 2. The controller
      • a. Triggers actions based on events received from its views and processes the data to be displayed
      • b. Triggers the creation of Note instance

    • 3. The user fills the note's details and presses the 'save' button
      • 'onSaveNote' is the event that connects between 'save button' (view) and controller
      • This triggers two actions "saving to local persistance", and "uploading the new note to the cloud"


  • Destruction occurance is a message occurance which represents the destruction of an instance described by the lifeline

