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[OO Design Foundation] Object Oriented Modeling 본문

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[OO Design Foundation] Object Oriented Modeling

moe12825 2022. 6. 26. 04:22

Object Oriented Modeling

  • involves the practice of representing key concepts through objects in software

Why Object Oriented Modeling

  • keeps the code organized, flexible, and reusable.

Design in the Software Process

1.  Expressing Requirements with User Stories

  • Is a big part of building a software system determining what the client wants
  • One of the technique for expressing requirement is user stories






  • From example above, note that
    • Noun corresponds to object in software
    • Verb helps to identify the requirements the object might have
      • Also helps to identify connection between objects

2.  Organizing to Categories of Objects in Design

  • When breaking down an object, there are three categories of objects to consider
    • 1. Entity Objects
      • are most familiar.
        • It corresponds to real world objects
        • Example
          • 1. Chair
      • When you are identifying objects to include and breaking down into smaller objects, you will initially get entity objects
    • 2. Boundary Objects
      • Are objects that sit at the boundary of systems
        • Could be an object that deals with another software system
        • Example
          • 1.  An object that obtains information from the internet
          • 2.  An object that shows information to user and getting their input
      • Any object that deals with another system -  a user, another system, the internet - can be considered a boundary object
    • 3. Control Objects
      • Are objects responsible for coordination
      • Controls other objects
      • Example
        • 1. Mediator
          • Coordinates the acitivity of many different objects so they can stay loosely coupled.
  • Organizing software into entity objects, boundary objects, and control objects will allow code to be more flexible, reusable, and maintainable

Design for Quality Attributes

1.  Competing Qualities and Trade-Offs

  • Some software designs will involve trade-offs such as
    • a. Performance
    • b. Convenience
    • c. Securituy
  • Context is important to determine what choice of solution is right for the balance of qualities.
    • Example
      • 1. A home located in low crime area will need different security needs than one located in a high crime area
    • For softwares, talking to stakeholders helps to understand the context
  • Various qualities that influence software design
    • 1. Functional Requirements describe what the system or application is expected to do
      • Example
        • 1. A media app has a functional requirement of being able to download a full length movie
    • 2.  Non-function requirements specifies how well the system or application does what it does
      • Describes how the software runs in a particular situation
      • Example
        • 1. A media app has a non-functional requirement to download a full length movie at specific speed and to play such a movie with a certain memory limit
      • There are other types to satisfy than correctness including
        • 1. resource usage
        • 2. efficiency
        • 3. performance
        • 4. reusability
        • 5. flexibility
        • 6. maintainability.
    • The desired qualities from Functional and non-functional requirements puts contstraints on system's design.

Class Responsibility Collaborator

  • Is a tool to mapout structure of the software logically when forming it's design
  • completes conceptual design
  • Records, organizes and refines components in your design
  • Identifies components, connections and responsibilities when forming conceptual design
    • conceptual design is where you give your thoughts on how you might satisfy requirements
    • technical design is where how these components and connections are further refined to give them technical details

  • is kept small on purpose
    • Forces class to be small enough to be individually described on index cards
  • has three sections
    • 1. class name
    • 2. responsibilties
    • 3. collaborators
      • are other classes that the class interacts with to fulfill its responsibilities


Example: Designing Bank Machine System


From Problems to Solutions with Design

1.  Competing Qualities and Trade-Offs

  • Top-down programming : maps the process in the problem to the routines to be called
    • Requires a tree of routines for the eventual solution
    • These routines are implemented in a programming language that supports subroutines (functions, methods)
  • Goal of software design is to construct and refine models of all the objects.
    • Focuses identifying entity objects from problem space initially
    • Introduces control objects that receive events and coordinate actions as solution in software arises
    • Also introduces boundary objects that connects to services outside of the system
  • Models are often expressed using Unified Modeling Language or UML
  • Models serve as a design documentation for software and can be easily mapped to skeletal source code 


Four Design Principles

1.  Abstraction

  • Is the idea of simplifying a concept in the problem domain to its essentials within some contenxt
  • Allows you to better understand a concept by breaking it down into a simplified description that ignores unimportant details
  • Example
    • 1. Food
      • In health context, it's nutritional value and not it's cost would be part of a simplified description of food
  • Good abstraction
    • 1. Emphasizes the essentials needed for concept and removes details that are not essential
    • 2. Makes sense for the concept's purpose
    • 3. Applies rule of least astonishment.
      • means "abstraction captures the essential attributes and behavior for a concept with no surprises and no definitions that fall behind the scope."
      • Example
        • 1. A Person
          • In context of building a driving app, you would care about the person in context of a driver.
          • In context of building a restaurant app, you would care about the person in the context of a patron 
        • 2. A Student
          • In context of academic setting, some essential characteristics are:
            • a. The course they are currently taking
            • b. Their grades in each course
            • c. Their student ID number
        • 3. A Household Cat
          • In context of cat owner, a house cat will have attributes like
            • a. name
            • b. color
            • c. favourite nap location
            • d. microcip number
    • 4. Describes a concept's basic behaviors
      • Example
        • 1. A household cat has following basic behaviors
          • a. napping
          • b. grooming
          • c. catching mice in the house
          • d. eating
          • e. using litter box
        • 2. A household dog has following basic behaviors and attributes
          • Behaviors: grooming, playing with toys, eating, napping, barking, using litter box
          • Attributes: name, microchip number, weight, favourite nap location, favourite food, favourite toy
  • Context is critical in forming an abstraction
  • If the purpose of the system or problem changes, don't be afraid to update abstraction accordingly.

2.  Encapsulation

  • Forms a self-contained object by undling the data and functions it requires to work, exposes an interface whereby other objects can access and use it, and restricts access to certain inside details
  • Involves three ideas:
    • It's about making a sort of capsule.
      • Some can be accessed from outside, and some of which cannot
    • 1. Bundle attribute values or data, and behaviors or functions that manipulate those values together into a self-contained object
    • 2. Expose certain data and functions of that objects, which can be accessed from other objects.
    • 3. Restrict sccess to certain data and functions to only within that project
  • Defines behaviors through class methods
  • Cam expose certain attributes and methods to be accessible to objects in other classes
  • Why Encapsulation?
    • 1. Can secure sensitive information
      • Example
        • 1.  A student with a value of degree program and GPA
          • Student class can support queries involving GPA, without revealing actual values of GPA (i.e. whether sstudent is in a good standing or not)
    • 2. Helps with software changes
      • The accessible interface of a class can remain the same, while the implementation of the attributes and methods can change
        • Outside of interface, use using the class not need to know how implementation actually works. 
        • Outside of class, the actual steps of retrieving an attribute need not to be known (blackbox thinking)
    • 3. Achieves abstraction barrier 
      • Reduces complexity for the user of a class
      • Increases re-usability because another class only needs to know the right method to call the desiredc behavior, what arguments to supply as inputs and what appears as outputs or effects
  • Encapsulation is a key design principle in achieving a well-written program.
    • It helps to keep your software modular and easier to work with
    • Keeps classes easy to manage, whjose behaviors are accessed like black boxes

3.  Decomposition

  • Is about taking the whole thing and dividing it up into different parts
    • Or, on the flip side, it's about taking a bunch of separate parts and combining them together to form a whole
    • Allows to further breakdown problems into pieces that are easier to understand and solve
    • Example
      • 1. Refridgerator
        • by breaking it down into different parts using decomposition, you can keep the different responsibilities separate
  • has a general rule of thumb:
    • 1. Look at the different responsibilities of some whole thing and evaluate how you can separate them into different parts with it's own specific responsibility
      • Each part has a very specific purpose to help achieve the responsibilities of the whole
    • Example
      • 1. A car
        • This can be decomposed into: Wheels, a steering wheel, a windsheld, a gas pedal, engine (and more)
      • 2. A refridgerator
        • This can be decomposed into: cabinet, doors, compressor, coils, freezer, ice-maker, shelves, drawers, and food if inside refridgerator
  • How parts interact within the whole:
      • 1. Fixed / Dynamic
        • A whole might have a fixed or dynamic number of certain type of part
          • Fixed --> it will have exactly that number of elements during the lifetime of the whole object
            • Count does change over time
            • Can be determined by process of elimination
          • Dynamic --> the number of objects vary during the lifetime of the whole object 
            • Example
              • 1. Regridgerator is fixed (there is only 1 throughout lifetime)
              • 2. Food in refridgerator are dynamic (part count changes over time)
      • 2. A part containing parts 
        • A part can contain another part
          • Example
            • 1. A headlamp that contains bulb
            • 2. A wheel containing tire
      • 2. Lifetime
        • is about how the whole object and the part object relate
          • Example
            • 1. Refridgerator and freezer of one machine
              •  have the same lifetime
              • One cannot exist without the other
            • 2. Car and engine
              • Closely related lifetime
        • of whole object and it's parts doesn't have to be relaterd 
          • Example 
            • 1. Car and headlamp
              • Car exists throughout lifetime, headlamp doesn't 
            • 2. Refridgerator and food items
              • each have different lifetime
      • 3. Sharing
        • is about whole things contain parts that are shared among them at the same time
          • Example
            • 1. Daughter in one family and spouse in another family
              • Two families are separate wholes, but they share the same part
  • Decomposition helps to breakdown a problem into smaller pieces

4.  Generalization

  • Helps to reduce amount of redundancy when solving problems
  • Is used frequently when designing algorithms which are meant to be used to perform same action on different sets of data
  • Can be achieved by classes through inheritance
    • Takes repeatedcommon, or shared characteristics between two or more classes (child classes) and factor them into another class (parent class)
    • Parent class is also called superclass
    • Child class is also called subclass
    • Example
      • 1. Cat and Dog
        • They are both of type animal with tail and 4 legs
        • They both have shared set of behaviors like walking, running and eating



Expressing Design Structure in JAVA & UML Class Diagrams

1. Abstraction in Java and UML


  • You could certainly use CRC card to convert to code but there are too many ambiguities that prevent a programmer from translating CRC card to code.
  • Properties in class diagram turns into member variables and operations into methods


2. Encapsulation in Java and UML

  • '-' represents private attribte / method
    • can only be accessed inside the class
  • '+' represents public attribute / method
  • Example
    • 1. Modeling university student

  • Getter method are methods that retrieves data and their names
    • Typically begins with get and end with the name of attribute whose value you will be returning
    • Often retrieves private piece of data
  • Setter method changes data
    • Typically begins with set and end with the name of the variables you wish to set
    • Are used to set a private attribute in a safe way

3. Decomposition in Java and UML

  • has three types of relationships defining interaction between whole and the parts
    • 1. Association
      • is a very loose interaction between two completely independent objects
      • is "some" relationship
      • means there is a loose relationship between two objects
      • its objects may interact with each other for some time
      • if one object is destroyed, the other can continue to exist
      • there can be any number of items in the relationship
      • one object does not belong to another
      • Example
        • 1. A Person and An Airline

          • 0..* means
            • a. an airline is associated to 0 or more person objects
            • b. a person is associated to 0 or more airline objects
        • 2. Kitten and Yarn
        • 3. Food and Wine

        • 4. Student and Sport

        • 5. NOT Human and Organ
    • 2. Aggregation
      • is where one whole has a part but both can live independently
      • is a "has-a" relationship where a whole has parts that belong to it. 
        • this "has-a" relationship is considered weak.
          • Means, although they belong to the whole, they can also exist independently
      • may have sharing of parts among the whole in this relationship
      • Example
        • 1. Airplane and it's crew
    • 3. Composition
      • Is the most dependent of the decomposition relationships
      • is where whole cannot exist without its parts and vice versa
      • Is an exclusive containment of parts, otherwise known as strong "has-a" relationship
        • Means that the whole cannot exist without parts
        • if it loses  any of its parts the whole cease to exist
        • If the whole is destroyed, all of its parts are destroyed
        • usually, you can access the parts through the whole
      • Example
        • 1. House and Room

4. Generalization in Java and UML

  • Showing inheritance is done by connecting two classes with a solid lined arrow

    • Superclass is at the head of the arrow
    • Subclass is at the tail of the arrow
  • Note that
    • Superclass is always at the top and subclasses are always at the bottom like a family tree
    • Hash symbols means that a variable / method is protected

      • In JAVA, a protected attribute / method means can only be accessed by
        • 1. The encapsulating class itself
        • 2. All subclasses
        • 3. All classes within the same package
      • Abstract keyword in a class declares that it cannot be instantiated
      • Class either has an implicit or explicit constructor 
        • 1. Implicit constructor
          • Does not have its own constructor

        • 2. Explicit constructor
          • Its subclass constructor must call it's superclass constructor

      • Method in subclass can override it's superclass

      • Inheritance is declared in JAVA using keyword extends
      • JAVA only allows single implementation inheritance
        • A subclass can only be inherited from one superclass

5. Generalization with Interfaces in Java and UML

  • An interface
    • only declares method signatures, and no constructors, attributes, and method bodies
      • it never implements or describes how these behaviors are performed
      • it does not encapsulate any attribute of the animal
    • specifies the expected behaviors in the method signatures, but does not provide any implementation details
    • is also used for subtyping in JAVA
    • is used to provide a way for related classes to work consistently
    • is indicated by the keyword 'interface' is used in JAVA
      • Standard JAVA naming convention places letter "I" before an acutal name to indicate an interface
      • Example
        • 1. Animal

    • is implemented in JAVA using the keyword 'implements'
      • Example
        • 1.  Dog and animal interface

    • is drawn in the similar way classes are drawn in UML
      • is noted in UML class diagrams using guilemets, or french quotes
      • is implemented in class and interface in UML using a dotted arrow
        • Class touches the tail of the arrow and the interface touches the head of the arrow

        • Example
          • 1. Animal and dog

    • are a mean in which you can implement polymorphism
      • polymorphism is when two classes have the same description of a behavior, but the implementation of the behavior may be different
      • Example
        • 1. Cat and a dog 
            • They both speak, but cat meows and dog barks

    • Can inherit from other interfaces
      • interface inheritance should not be abused
        • If you are trying to create a larger interface, interface A should only inherit from interface B if the behaviors in interface A can fully be used as a subtitution for interface B
        • Example
          • 1. Vehicle movement on water and under water
            • Vehicle movement on water is restriceted to 2D (x-axis, and y-axis) 
            • Vehicle movement under water requires movement in z-direction
            • we do not want to add extra behaviors to vehicle movement on 2D
            • So, a second interface that inherits from the first is created

    • Does not run into issues with multiple inheritance
      • Multiple inheritance is where a child class has two or more super classes
      • Multiple inheritance of class is not allowed in JAVA
      • Multiple inheritance of interface is allowed in JAVA
      • Example




- Object-Oriented Design, University of Alberta: