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[OO Design Foundation] Steps to Creating Well Designed Software - 6. Activity Diagram 본문

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[OO Design Foundation] Steps to Creating Well Designed Software - 6. Activity Diagram

moe12825 2022. 6. 14. 10:53
  • Is used to describe workflows or business process

Action and Flows

  • Activity diagram is started with an intial node drawn as a small filled circle (called initial node)
  • Flow is represented by an arrow with an open arrowhead

Decision Node

  • Activity diagram can also express conditional logic 
  • It is represented by a diamond ''
    • It has a single incoming flow and two or more outbound flows
    • Each outbound flow has a guard placed inside square brackets
      • The guard need to be mutually exclusive
    • After a decision, the flows can be merged using a merge activity

Concurrent Flow

  • Activity diagrams support parallel behavior.
  • To express concurrent flows, a fork drawn as a thick horizontal line is used:

Ending the Workflow

  • Final node is used to indicate the end of workflow
  • Final node is represented as a filled circle placed inside a hollow circle


