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[Design Pattern] Proxy Pattern 본문

Software Design Pattern/Notes

[Design Pattern] Proxy Pattern

moe12825 2022. 8. 19. 11:23


  • There are times when it's easier, safer, or more convinent to use a placeholder to represent something or something else
    • Example
      • 1. Individual representatives may be sent to sepak on behalf of company
      • 2. Crash test dummies are used instead of real human beings
      • 3. Credit card is used as a method of payment instead of cash
    • All of the objects in the example are represented by a proxy object

Why do we want to use Proxy Class

  • 1. Act as a virtual proxy where the proxy class is used in place of a real subject class that is resource intensive to instantiate
    • Used commonly on images, and web pages, or graphic editors
    • A signle high definition image can be extremely large
    • Reloading all of the images at once can be very time and resource intensive
  • 2. Act as a protection proxy in order to control access to the real subject class
    • a protection proxy can be used in learning management system that cheks the credential of a user
      • So the different users, like students and instructors can only access the appropriate functions permitted by their role
  • 3. Act as a remote proxy where the proxy class is local and the real subject class exists remotely
    • this can be thought as working on a google document
      • The web browser has all the object it needs locally
      • Also exists on a Google server somewhere else

What is Proxy Design Pattern


  • Acts as a simplified or lightweight version of the original object
  • Is still able to accomplish the same tasks, but may delete requests to the original object to achieve them
    • in software world, there are some cases where the use of proxy object is better than the original
  • Allows a proxy class to represent a real subject class
    • wraps the real subject class, that is hides a reference to an instance of the real subject class
    • the real subject class may contain sensitive information or would be resource intensive to instantiate
    • since it acts as a wrapper, the client class will interact with it instead of the real subject class
  • What calls need to be supported in the proxy class?
    • The proxy class is meant to stand in for the real subject class, it must offer the same methods
      • This can be ensured by having both these classes implement a common subject interface
      • allows polymorphism
    • Since the proxy and real subject classes are both sub-types of subject, a client class can interact with the proxy

Where do we want to use Proxy Design Pattern

  • 1. Online retail store with global distribution and warehousing
    • how would you know which warehouse to route orders to fulfill customer orders?
      • You may run into an issue where you route orders to a warehouse that doesn't have stock for an item in a customer worder
      • You need some way to determine which warehouse to send orders to
      • A system that routes the order's full fulfillment to an appropriate warehouse will prevent your warehouse from receiving orders they cannot fill
    • How is this system implemented?
      • Use proxy design pattern to have a proxy protect your real subject (warehouse) from receiving orders if the warehouse don't have enough stock to fulfill an order
        • 1. The order fulfillment class acts as a proxy for all your warehouses
          • It has list of warehouses that it can delegate parts of customer oders depending on whether or not a warehouse is capable of fulfilling a part of the order
        • 2. The warehouse class is the real subject class and will be responsible for actually processing and fulfilling parts of customer orders
          • it will report it's inventory to the proxy that asks for it
        • 3. The client class or client will interact with your system by using the interface


How to Implement Proxy Pattern

  • Step 1: Design the subject interface
    • This will be used by the client to interact with the system
    • i.e. this will be used by OrderFulfillment and Warehouse classes
public interface IOrder {
    public void fulfillOrder(Order);


  • Step 2: Implement the real subject class
    • The warehouse class knows how to process an order for fulfullment
    • also, the warehouse class knows how to report the current stock of items
    • Note it doesn't need to check if it has enough stock to fulfill an order
      • This is because an order should only be sent to warehouse if it can be fulfilled
public class Warehouse implements IOrder {
    private Hashtable<String, Integer> stock;
    private String address;

    /*Constructor and other attributes would go here*/

    public void fulfillOrder(Order order) {
        for (Item item : order.itemList) {
            this.stock.replace(item.sku, stock.get(item) - 1);

            /*Process the order for shipment and delivery*/

    public int currentINventory(Item item) {
        if (stock.containsKey(item.sku)) {
            return stock.get(item.sku).intValue();

        return 0;


  • Step 3: Implement the proxy class
    • The OrderFulfillment class does all the work of checking the warehouse inventory and ensuring that an order can be successfully completed before sending the request to the warehouse
    • The OrderFulfillment class asks each warehouse about whether it has enough stock of a particular item
      • If it has enough item --> the item gets added to a new order object that will be sent to the warehouse
public class OrderFulfillment implements IOrder {
    private List<Warehouse> warehouses;

    /*Constructors and other attributes would go here*/
    public void fulfillOrder(Order order) {
        /*For each item in a custom order, check each warehouse to see if it is in stock */

        /*If it is then create a new Order for that warehouse. Else, check the next warehouse*/

        /*Send all the orders to the warehouses(s) after you finish iterating over all items in the original order*/

        for (Item item: order.itemList) {
            for (Warehouse warehouse : warehouses) {




  • The proxy class ensures that an order can be fulfilled before sending the request to the warehouses
    • This protects your warehose system from receiving orders it cannot fulfill
  • The OrderFulfillment class also lets you seperate order validation from the order fulfillment by separating them into two pieces
    • This will improve the overall rate of processing an order because the warehouse doesn't have to worry about the validation process
    • Each individual warehouses doesn't need to know how to reroute an order if the warehouse cannot fulfill the order
  • The OrderFulfillment class can be improved with other functionalities such as:
    • 1. priortizing sending orders to warehouses based on proximity to the customer to ensure the order arrives as fast as possible
  • The proxy design pattern is useful when you need to
    • 1. Defer creating resource intensive objects until needed
    • 2. Control access to specific objects
    • 3. When you need something to act as a local representation of a remote system
  • To summarize, the main features of the proxy design pattern are:
    • 1. To use the proxy class to wrap the real subject class
    • 2. To have a polymorphic design so that the client class can expect the same interface for the proxy and real subject classes
    • 3. To use a lightweight proxy in place of a resource intensive object until it is actually needed
    • 4. To implement some form of intelligent verification of requests from client code in order to determine if, how, and to whom the requests should be forwarded to
    • 5. To represent a local representation of a system that is not in the same physical or virtual space
  • It provides a powerful means of indirection
    • it is robust and can let you build systems that are more secure and less resource-intensive

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